Cape Jeer is a review site for movies about superheroes and other comic book characters. Below is a list of reviewed movies, divided up by where the characters came from. For alternate views, such as a list ordered by name or by release date, select one of the links on the left.

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Index of Movies by Category of Origin
  DC Comics®
CapeCapeCape Batman (1966)
Tent Half a balding head CapeHalf a cape Batman (1989)
Tent Half a wrecking ball CapeCapeHalf a cape  –  Batman Returns
Tent CapeHalf a cape  –  Batman Forever
TentTent Half a cape  –  Batman & Robin
Tent Half a balding head CapeCape Batman Begins
Half a tent Balding head CapeCapeCapeCape  –  The Dark Knight
Half a tent Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape  –  The Dark Knight Rises
  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
TentHalf a tent Cape Catwoman
Half a tent CapeCape Constantine
Tent CapeCape Green Lantern
  Jonah Hex
TentHalf a tent Half a wrecking ball CapeCape The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Tent Half a balding head CapeHalf a cape Man of Steel
   –  RED 2
Tent Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape Steel
  Suicide Squad
TentTentHalf a tent Half a cape Supergirl
TentHalf a tent CapeCapeCape Superman: The Movie
Tent CapeHalf a cape  –  Superman II
Tent CapeHalf a cape  –  Superman III
TentTentHalf a tent Half a cape  –  Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Tent CapeCape Superman Returns
TentTent Cape Swamp Thing
   –  The Return of the Swamp Thing
Half a tent Half a wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCape V for Vendetta
Half a tent Wrecking ball Balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape Watchmen
  Marvel Comics®
Tent Balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape The Amazing Spider-Man
   –  The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Half a tent Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape Ant-Man
Half a balding head CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape The Avengers
   –  Avengers: Age of Ultron
  Big Hero 6
CapeCapeHalf a cape Blade
Tent CapeCape  –  Blade II
Tent CapeHalf a cape  –  Blade: Trinity
TentTent Cape Captain America (1991)
Half a tent Half a wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeCape Captain America: The First Avenger
   –  Captain America: The Winter Soldier
   –  Captain America: Civil War
TentTent CapeCape Daredevil
  Doctor Strange
TentTent Cape Elektra
TentTent Cape The Fantastic Four (1994)
TentHalf a tent Cape Fantastic Four (2005)
TentTent CapeHalf a cape  –  Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer
  Fantastic Four (2015)
Tent CapeCape Ghost Rider
   –  Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
  Guardians of the Galaxy
Tent Howard the Duck
Tent Balding head CapeCapeCapeCape Hulk
Tent Half a balding head CapeCape The Incredible Hulk
Tent Half a balding head CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape Iron Man
TentHalf a tent CapeCape  –  Iron Man 2
Tent Half a balding head CapeCapeCape  –  Iron Man 3
Half a tent Wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape Kick-Ass
   –  Kick-Ass 2
TentHalf a tent Cape Man-Thing
Tent Cape The Punisher (1989)
Half a tent Half a balding head CapeCape The Punisher (2004)
CapeHalf a cape  –  Punisher: War Zone
Half a tent CapeHalf a cape Red Sonja
Half a tent Half a balding head CapeCapeCape Spider-Man
Tent Half a balding head CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape  –  Spider-Man 2
Tent CapeCapeHalf a cape  –  Spider-Man 3
Half a tent CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape Thor
Tent CapeCapeHalf a cape  –  Thor: The Dark World
Half a tent Half a balding head CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape X-Men
Tent Half a balding head CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape  –  X2: X-Men United
Tent Half a balding head CapeCapeCape  –  X-Men: The Last Stand
Half a tent CapeCapeHalf a cape  –  X-Men: First Class
   –  X-Men: Days of Future Past
   –  X-Men: Apocalypse
Tent CapeCapeHalf a cape X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Half a tent CapeCapeCape  –  The Wolverine
  Other adventure comics
Tent Half a cape Barb Wire
TentHalf a tent Cape Bulletproof Monk
  Cowboys & Aliens
CapeCape The Crow
   –  The Crow: City of Angels
   –  The Crow: Salvation
   –  The Crow: Wicked Prayer
TentHalf a tent CapeHalf a cape Danger: Diabolik
  The Dead One
  Dredd 3D
TentHalf a tent Cape Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
  El MuertoSEE The Dead One
TentTentHalf a tent Cape Faust: Love of the Damned
  Frank Miller’s Sin CitySEE Sin City
Half a balding head CapeCape From Hell
  G-Men from Hell
Half a tent CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape Hellboy
Half a balding head CapeCapeCape  –  Hellboy II: The Golden Army
TentHalf a tent Cape Judge Dredd
  Kingsman: The Secret Service
Tent Half a wrecking ball CapeHalf a cape The Rocketeer
TentTentTent Half a cape Sheena
TentHalf a tent Half a wrecking ball CapeCapeHalf a cape Sin City
   –  Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
CapeCapeHalf a cape Spawn
CapeCape Surrogates
Tent Half a wrecking ball Cape Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
   –  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze
   –  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
   –  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
  30 Days of Night
   –  30 Days of Night: Dark Days
TentTent CapeCapeHalf a cape 300
   –  300: Rise of an Empire
TentHalf a tent Cape Timecop
   –  Timecop: The Berlin Decision
  TMNT (2007)
Half a wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape Trailer Park of Terror
CapeCape Virus
TentHalf a tent Half a wrecking ball CapeHalf a cape Wanted
  Comedic comics
CapeCapeCape Astro Boy
CapeCape Barbarella
Half a cape Casper
CapeCapeCape The Mask
   –  Son of the Mask
Half a wrecking ball CapeCapeCape Men in Black
CapeCapeHalf a cape  –  Men in Black II
   –  Men in Black III
Half a wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeCape Mystery Men
Wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
CapeCapeHalf a cape Tank Girl
  Newspaper comic strips
TentTent Half a wrecking ball Cape Dick Tracy
TentHalf a tent CapeHalf a cape Flash Gordon
  Friday Foster
TentHalf a tent Cape Modesty Blaise
  My Name is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure
TentHalf a tent CapeHalf a cape The Phantom
TentHalf a tent Half a wrecking ball Half a cape Popeye
Wrecking ball CapeCapeCape The Spirit
  Will Eisner’s The SpiritSEE The Spirit
  Imitation comic book characters
(including parodies)
TentTent Half a cape Black Scorpion
   –  Black Scorpion II: Aftershock
Half a wrecking ball Cape Blankman
Half a tent Half a wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape Chronicle
CapeCapeCape Dark City
Half a tent Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape Darkman
Tent Cape  –  Darkman II: The Return of Durant
   –  Darkman III: Die Darkman Die
TentTentHalf a tent Half a cape Fantastic Argoman
Wrecking ball Cape Fearless Frank
CapeHalf a cape Flesh Gordon
   –  Flesh Gordon II: Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders
TentHalf a tent Half a balding head CapeCape The Gene Generation
  The Green Hornet
Wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeHalf a cape Hancock
  The Haunted World of El Superbeasto
Wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCape Hero Tomorrow
  The Incredible Paris IncidentSEE Fantastic Argoman
Half a wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeCapeHalf a cape The Incredibles
TentTentHalf a tent CapeCapeHalf a cape Mercury Man
Half a wrecking ball Balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape The Meteor Man
  Mr. Freedom
Wrecking ball Half a balding head CapeCapeHalf a cape My Super Ex-Girlfriend
Half a tent CapeHalf a cape Next
Half a wrecking ball CapeHalf a cape Orgazmo
  The Pumaman
TentHalf a tent Cape Rat Pfink a Boo Boo
Wrecking ball CapeCapeHalf a cape Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.
Tent CapeHalf a cape The Shadow
Half a wrecking ball CapeCapeHalf a cape Sky High
  The Specials
TentTentTent Half a cape Supersonic Man
Tent Cape Ultraviolet
Wrecking ball Balding head CapeCapeCapeCape Unbreakable